The Animal Rescue Site
The Rainforest Site

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

October 22 petitions and more

  1. Elephant’s Imprisonment Results In Zookeeper Death
    Contact Dickerson Park Zoo and demand that it close its elephant exhibit and send Patience and the three other remaining elephants to a reputable sanctuary. Never go to a zoo or circus in which elephants are abused for "entertainment."
  2. Urgent: Stop New Beagle Breeding Facility for Vivisection
  3. Add bittering agents to antifreeze to prevent ingestion by animals. (UK)
  4. Tell Harper: "NO" to tar sands pipelines!
  5. Establish a human-tissue Bank instead of using Animals
  6. Audit of the USDA Wildlife Services Lethal Predator Control Program (US)
  7. Save Swedish wolves from wolf baiting by using so called hunting dogs.
  8. UN General Secretary: Legislate the killing of animals as a crime!
  9. Stop Air France From Shipping Monkeys to Their Deaths!
  10. Protestbrief an rumänischen Präsidenten und Verfassungsgericht - Protest letter to the President of Romania and the Constitutional Court (confirmation needed)
  11. Start an Animal Abusers List in all states & harsh penalties
  12. 11th hour for wolves (US)
  13. PETA Uncovers Cruelty at Government Dog-Breeding Unit
  14. Stop the badger cull (UK)
  15. Urge Niabi Zoo to Retire Elephants Sophie and Babe to a Sanctuary
  16. Save The Southlands (2nd petition)
  1. Ban Torturous Hanging of Greyhounds in Spain
  2. Raccoon Dogs Beaten and Skinned Alive & Enabled by Australian Trade Policy
  1. General Russian Prosecutor and Chief Military Prosecutor: We demand for proper investigation and punishment of Military killers and those who covered their sadist crime.
  2. European Parliament, EU Council of Europe & Pope Francis: Russian Federation We Ask To Stop Cruel Slaughter Of Homeless Animals
  3. Президенту РФ Владимиру Владимировичу Путину:: Остановите Издевательство Над Животными!
    Russian President Vladimir
    Putin: Stop animal abuse!
  4. Romania, stop euthanasia of stray dogs!
  5. Stop The Killing The Romanian Dogs!
  6. Monsieur Jorge Mario Bergoglio (Pape François) : Pourriez-vous nous aider à convaincre les pays membres de l'ONU de faire passer un texte de loi internationale visant à interdire la vente de la fourrure ainsi que la peau de chat et de chien?
    Pope Francis: Could you help us convince the member countries of the UN to pass a piece of international legislation to ban the sale of fur and skin of cats and dogs?
  7. Al Governo Ed Al Parlamento Italiano: Abrogare Subito La Macellazione Rituale
    Italian Government and Parliament: Immediately repeal the ritual slaughter
  8. Carcel para los que torturaron a la Osezna Bella, en Zaragoza, Coahuila.
    Jail for those who tortured the Osezna Bella, in Zaragoza, Coahuila.
  9. McNairy County Government, Please Build a Animal Shelter.
  10. The United States: The indiscriminate and devastating hunt against wolves and coyotes (target?!)
  11. Im Namen unserer Mitgeschöpfe!! "Man darf die Augen nicht mehr verschließen" Schluss mit der elenden Tierquälerei, weltweit!
    On behalf of our fellow creatures! "You can not close your eyes" Stop the miserable cruelty worldwide!
  12. Verbot von illegaler Katzenzucht (nicht registrierter "Hobby" zucht) deutschlandweit - Prohibit the illegal cat mills/breeders in Germany
  13. Make Meat & Dairy Illegal! "The Greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." Mahatma Gandhi and lead the world with your greatness!
  14. Fellschnuten dürfen nicht für die Fehler von den Zweibeiner büßen: Cabil darf nicht eingeschläfert werden - Dogs should not suffer because of human mistakes
  15. Vance County, NC: Allow adoption of pit bulls and pit bull mixes; Stop heart stick killing and gassing; Allow "problematic" dogs to go to rehab or rescue; Post kill methods and policies
  16. Desautoricen la caza de aves mediante parany (pegamento) por ser una práctica ilegal que causa la muerte de centenares de miles de aves protegidas
    Ban bird hunting by glue that kills hundreds of thousands of protected birds
  17. STOP monkey performance: Crying for rescue - Sukanya Kadyan
  1. Save the Yellow-bellied Glider in Tumoulin State Forest, North Queensland
  3. Federal Ban on Steel Jaw Body Gripping Traps
  4. Keep Grizzly Bears Protected with Endangered Species Act
  5. Help Support (H.R.5092) Amend the Crush Act
  6. Horses, they deserve a chance at life (no target!)
  7. Ban Fur Farming - No Imports / No Farms
  8. Demand India stop animal torture
  9. The petition against the slaughter of dogs in Romania
  10. Brazil's shame: World's biggest chinchilla killer for the fur trade
  11. Stop Killing Innocent Animals
  12. Connecticut: Take a Stand Against Puppy Mills
  13. Whale Shark tourist activities over-exploited
News and Polls
  1. Bleeding Romania. The truth about stray dogs from Romania (graphic images)
  2. ЛДПР готовит новый удар по животным
    Russia, Liberal Democratic Party is preparing a new attack on animals
  3. Donate | Wildlife SOS - Working to Save India's Wildlife
  4. Is this the end of Let’s Adopt Global?
    Home - Let's Adopt! Global Exposed
  5. Funding Opportunity in Women’s Health and Sex Differences
    NEAVS-AFAAR - For Alternative Methods/Research; deadline Oct. 31

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