The Animal Rescue Site
The Rainforest Site

Monday, September 9, 2013

September 9 petitions and more

  1. Ask the Romanian Government and Parliament to stop killing stray dogs.
    Your protest mail will be sent immediately after signing! Please participate and share as much as possible! Romania, STOP your barbaric acts! Dogs are being 'euthanized' by chloride, gasoline, slow and cheap poison injections, slowly dying the most horrendous deaths, caused by sadists paid by Romanian officials!
  2. Le respect des lois pour les animaux en Europe
    Respect the LAW for Animals in Europe!
  3. Stop mass killing dogs! Adopt mass sterilization!
  4. Boycott the request of Romania to enter in Schengen until it will solve in civilized mode the problem of strays
  5. Spune NU eutanasierii cainilor
    Say NO to euthanizing (barbarically killing) dogs in Romania!
  6. Spune NU eutanasierii cainilor comunitari - PROTECTIA ANIMALELOR
    No mass killing but protection of dogs! (confirmation needed)
  7. Stop animal abuse in Romania, an EU country!
  8. Stop Slaughters and Animal Abuses in Romania!
  9. D.C. rally over -- Keep PRESSURE on with a letter! - A pledge to write a snail mail letter to President Obama as follow up action post the D.C. rally.
  10. Stop The Illegal Killing Of Whales For "Scientific Research"
  11. Stop Scott Walker’s Open-Pit Mining Assault upon Wisconsin’s Water
    more petitions one after another after you sign
  1. Prevent Gray Wolf Slaughter in United States
  2. Support Ending Animal Testing on Consumer Products
  3. Commend Man for Risking Life to Save Cats From House Fire
  4. Commend Authorities for Arresting Notorious Chimpanzee Abuser
  5. Condemn L’Oreal for Buying Into Cosmetics Tested on Animals
  6. Condemn Traditional Goat Sacrifice
  7. Commend Clinic Staff for Attempting to Save Severely Abused Kitten
  8. Condemn Police for Promoting Officer Who Shot Dog
  9. Ban Horse-Drawn Carriages in Seattle
  10. Oppose Oil Drilling in Ecuador’s Rainforests
  11. Halt Destructive Live Fire Training on Pacific Island
  12. Applaud Senator’s Efforts to Save State’s Wilderness
  13. Rid Picturesque Caribbean Island of Oil Refinery
  14. Help Prevent Texas Towns From Drought
  1. E.U. Parliament - VP Animal Welfare Intergroup European Comunity: STOP the 'euthanasia' policy for stray animals in Romania!
  2. State council of the People's Republic of China: Mr. Zhang Ping: Please stop the dog meat trade
  3. Parar matanza de perros en Montanita Ecuador por mundial de Surf: Parar inmediatamente la matanza y la reubicacion de estos animales - Montanita, Ecuador: STOP the killing of dogs for your Surfing event!
  4. Cárcel A Los Asesinos De Animales - Argentina, JAIL these animal killers!
  5. SAVE MAUI'S DOLPHINS NOW! Marine Mammal Sanctuary Submission
  6. Intendente de Gral Pueyrredón. Sr. Gustavo Pulti: Solicitamos la erradicación de la tracción a sangre en la ciudad de Mar del Plata - Mayor of Mar del Plata, Argentina: No more "blood traction". STOP the abuse of working horses!
  1. Tell Secretary Jewell- Wolves have NOT Made a full recovery
  2. Texas - Stop Inhumane City Ordinance Against Feral Cats
  3. Stop the killing of feral cats by the Humane Society
  4. Tell Congress to Drop the Farm Bill's Dangerous King Amendment
  5. Save the water supply of Sydney from underground mining
News & Polls
  1. Ce ar trebui făcut cu câinii fără stăpân din Capitală? Vote for 4th option!
  2. What do you think should be done with Stray dogs in Bucharest?
    1. Move to a shelter
    2. Euthanasia (kill them)
    3. Leave them alone
    4. Give them professional care, followed by an adoption campaign
    5. Not interested
    Don't forget to fill in the security code at the end!!
  3. Care este soluţia pentru rezolvarea problemei maidanezilor din Bucureşti?
    What is the solution to the problem of stray dogs in Bucharest?
    Romania: President had also proposed that the law be set a deadline for the people who want to adopt stray dogs able to do so, and animals not adopted within this term to be 'euthanized'. Do you agree with the proposal of the President? Please vote 'NU'/NO on this poll against the Romanian dog cull. The killing methods are barbaric. We desperately need this, as many people so far have voted yes. Fill in the security code at the end.
  4. Dacă mâine ar fi REFERENDUM, TU ai vota pentru eutanasierea câinilor fără stăpân? - Tomorrow, at the referendum, will you vote for 'euthanasia' of stray dogs? Vote NU!
  5. FB album ROMANIAN DOGs (events/demos against euthanasia 2013 September)
  6. Rumänien: Schmutziges Geschäft mit Hundemord
    Carmen Arsene on Romania: Dirty business with the murder of dogs
  7. Sad news, Romania She drowned trying to save a stray dog
  8. FB video: The more I know about people, the better I like my dog.
    Romania's sweet natured abandoned dogs, now on the streets, await horrible faith.
  9. Donation Project We are out of food... - Angels Ark, Greece
  10. Elephant poachers bribe officials to secure registration papers
  11. Russia-wide campaign “For the law that protects instead of killing” took place from the 9th till the 18th of June

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